SCLUB免費論壇申請-使用者論壇's Archiver

animegirls 發表於 2016-6-12 21:03

How many Hong Kongers are there?

Maybe my English is not very good...
But I wanna know that how many Hong Kongers are there?
Also Sclub is a Taiwan forum,
Why do you come here?
Hong Kong forums are not good?

繽紛色彩 發表於 2016-6-12 21:20

『Maybe my English is not very good』
English is not good, why not speak Chinese?

『But I wanna know that how many Hong Kongers are there?』
Statistics on the number of Hong Kong people, why not open vote?

『Also Sclub is a Taiwan forum,
Why do you come here? 』
Here a collection of different styles and codes.
It can be used to beautify the forum.

『Hong Kong forums are not good?』
This I do not know
Only he knew that he opened a forum.
You can set your favorite mode and personalized forum.

animegirls 發表於 2016-6-12 21:24

[b]回復 [url=]2#[/url] [i]繽紛色彩[/i] [/b]

    唔...因为不懂打字, 所以用英文...
*Hong Kong's forums are not good?

Yenifer 發表於 2016-6-12 21:26


animegirls 發表於 2016-6-12 21:36

[b]回復 [url=]4#[/url] [i]Yenifer[/i] [/b]


Yenifer 發表於 2016-6-12 21:38

[b]回復 [url=]5#[/url] [i]animegirls[/i] [/b]

    我这边谷歌是打不开的,翻不了墙 , 你懂得。。。。

animegirls 發表於 2016-6-12 21:44

[b]回復 [url=]6#[/url] [i]Yenifer[/i] [/b]


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